Wednesday, August 9, 2023


This is coolbert.

Interventionists the Niger situation? A ferment exists.

"Serious episode with B. Noland in Niger: "Green light" for an invasion of 25,000 soldiers - French and US SOF will occupy the airport in Niamey! ( video )"

From https://warnews247 | 08/08/2023.

"25,000 ECOWAS army is gathering for the invasion of Niger, authoritative French sources say. The green light was reportedly given after Victoria Nuland was expelled from Niger along with the designation [delegation] of ECOWAS, the United Nations and the African Union."


* Wagner PMC units already in Mali and the Central African Republic! Expect Niger soon?

* Niger vital to American interests Africa and the Sahel region? 

* And as for that $ 1 Billion US American airbase Niger that took three years to build? Expect it to be gutted and stripped of all essentials and in short order. A total waste I fear.

Yesterday I didn't even know what ECOWAS was. Hardly do I know much now but that is all about to change?


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