Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Boxer LHD-4.

This is coolbert:

USA naval warship not able to make underway. Underway strictly in the sense of sea-trials.

And all after two year overhaul!

"After 2-Year Overhaul, Navy Confirms USS Boxer Can't Get Underway"

From Military.com | By Konstantin Toropin | 27 Jul 2023.

"The USS Boxer, one of the Navy's amphibious warships, is struggling to get to sea despite recently coming out of a maintenance period that cost the Navy $200 million and was supposed to ready the ship for the service’s newest fighter jet."


The Navy did not offer details on what issues specifically kept the ship in port, citing 'operational security,' but Abrahamson [spokesman] was clear that 'the Boxer’s preparation for sea trials identified additional maintenance requirements before the ship could get underway.'”

Overhaul the primary [?] goal to make the USS Boxer F-35B compliant. Two years and still not ready. A super-carrier of the Nimitz type is in port 2 1/2 years when undergoing overhaul/refurbishment!

Wartime configuration/mission of the Boxer I suspect to be in the sea-control mode.


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