Sunday, August 13, 2023

Baron II.

This is coolbert:

Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg the MAD BARON. Conclusion.


"Baron Ungern's interrogation"

"Interrogation: Lieutenant General Baron Roman Fedorovich von Ungern-Sternberg in Irkutsk . . . at the headquarters of the 5th Soviet Army. September 1–2, 1921"

"Notes on the text: Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, legendary Russian war-lord and mythical idol in Mongolia, was captured on August 20 1921 and interrogated a week later. Three weeks later he was found guilty by the Marxist agents that subverted and took root in historic Russia, and he was then executed. The document below is a collection of 49 notes taken during his interrogation. Unfortunately, no verbatim responses were documented (barring the few indicated below); however, this document still paints a very interesting picture of his final year of activity. Please keep in mind that this document was written and published by the communists that interrogated Ungern, and hence a certain level of distortion and slander can at times be felt in the tone of the writing."

Again, notes strictly and not verbatim.

Devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged without reservation or qualification to read the article in entirety, with footnotes at the end provided.

See also the wiki entry the Baron Roman!

The Baron we can safely say not mad or insane. I think we can say just a wild and crazy dude his eccentricities come to the fore due to the chaotic situation of the era.


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