Wednesday, August 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

Neither tracked or towed. That latest and greatest Russian wheeled self-propelled artillery. Russian doctrine indeed changing!

"What are the differences between tracked self-propelled (SP) artillery and wheeled SP artillery? Which has more advantages"

"Both wheeled and tracked howitzers have their place in the battle space, each has strengths and weakness, but doctrine is going to determine which type of howitzer a nation will use."

Courtesy question and answer

That answer to the question and as copied more or less in entirety per: Fred Gibbs - Lives in Seattle, WA (2002–present):

"It comes down to three things: Traverse, mobility, reloading."

* Traverse- 

"Traverse is the possible firing arc left or right that a howitzer has, Most SP tracked howitzer have a 360-degree traverse capability a notable exception is the M110/107 and 2S7, most wheeled howitzer have a more limited traverse capability generally somewhere between 30 to 45 degrees left or right. For example, the Nora B-52 howitzer has firing traverse capability of 60 degrees total or 30 degrees left or right. The G-7 has a traverse capability of 180 degrees, 90 degrees left or right."

* Mobility- 

"Wheeled SP howitzers are designed for either hard pack or paved roads, they have limited cross country capability, while tracked howitzers are designed for cross country capability from the ground up. Wheeled howitzers have an advantage over SP howitzers in the strategic battle, being able to travel quickly distances that an SP howitzer is usually hauled on trailers for. Where the tracked SP howitzers shines is once you are in the tactical situation. The ability to move without regards to roads, creates both passive camouflage and a more difficult detection of movement."

* Reloads-

"SP howitzers [tracked?] tend to be easier to reload than the wheeled counterparts. In practice many SP howitzer doctrine is to use ammo off of ammo carriers instead of internal ammo, unless the ammo carrier is not there. While many wheeled howitzers because of the truck front, will fire off the rear firing arc."

Thank you Mr. Gibbs. Everything you always wanted to know that comparison tracked and wheeled self-propelled artillery the advantages and disadvantages of each.


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