Friday, August 18, 2023

AD Guam.

This is coolbert:

Guam! "Where America's Day Begins".

Air defense [AD] Guam! Thwart the potential Chinese military threat! 

Everything you always wanted to know but never asked.

1. "Shadow Patrol from the 36th Security Forces Squadron"

From | NEWS | Sept. 7, 2018.

JET [Jungle Enforcement Team] that element of the USA Air Force Security Force trained in stealthy jungle movement and patrolling during hours of darkness. JET operating the vicinity the inactive Northwest Field and not Andersen AFB proper.

2. "Mysterious Drone Incursions Have Occurred Over U.S. THAAD Anti-Ballistic Missile Battery In Guam"

From | article by TYLER ROGOWAY AND JOSEPH TREVITHICK | NOV 27, 2020.   

"It’s yet another reminder of just how vulnerable highly strategic assets, even air defense systems, are to low-end drones."

3. "Guam’s THAAD missile defense battery will relocate to new Marine Corps base"

From | article by WYATT OLSON | STARS AND STRIPES • May 10, 2022.

"The Army is relocating its THAAD missile defense battery on Guam from Andersen Air Force Base to the nearby Marine Corps base [Camp Blaz] still under construction, according to military officials."

4. "Andersen air base security intercepts drone"

From | Daily Post Staff | Jun 13, 2022.

"Andersen Air Force Base's security personnel interdicted a drone that was detected within military airspace June 11."

Culprits located and detained! Sounds like local mischief makers!

5. "Guam’s Airspace Set To Be Most Defended On Earth In New Plans"

From the "THE WARZONE" via | article by Joseph Trevithick | August 11, 2023.

"Guam is set to gain as many as 20 new air defense sites packed with surface-to-air interceptors, radars, and more as part of a massive defensive upgrade plan."

I might well imagine AD Guam a multiplicity of AD systems to include but not necessarily limited to:  * THAAD  * Aegis Ashore * Patriot * MANPAD * SHORAD * Anti-Drone * C-RAM  * Roving off-shore dedicated Burke class destroyer carrying a dedicated abundance of surface-to-air missiles.

Radars too I think airborne AEW of the Hawkeye or Sentry variety aloft. Radars beyond ground based.

A lot of Milspeak "embrace the suck" stuff here that devoted reader to the blog must investigate further for themselves.


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