Friday, July 28, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not a Normandy!

"Ukraine’s counteroffensive gambit tests Russia across the front"

"Zelensky’s war strategy draws comparisons to the Normandy landings"

From "The Times" | the story by Marc Bennetts & George Grylls | July 27 2023.

 "A Ukrainian push to break through heavily fortified Russian lines in the southeast of the country is likely to be the 'opening salvo' in a larger battle that has drawn comparisons to the Normandy landings."

"Fierce battles are under way in the Zaporizhzhia region, involving thousands of western-trained and equipped Ukrainian reinforcements in what appears to be the most significant phase so far of Kyiv’s counteroffensive."

"Despite having to overcome huge minefields, bunkers and tank traps, as well as blistering artillery and airstrikes, Ukrainian brigades have made some limited progress in a number of areas south of the town of Orikhiv, according to analysts and pro-war military bloggers in Moscow."

Not even hardly can the Ukrainian counter-offensive currently underway be compared to the Normandy landings and the subsequent Battle of France 1944.

Allied forces at Normandy having unmatched aerial supremacy. An abundance of combat warplanes of all types. Fighters/fighter-bombers/light & heavy bomber aircraft. Using all with varying degrees of success during the initial landings and that fighting that resulted in the eventual break-out from the Normandy beachhead.

Allied forces at Normandy too having overwhelming naval superiority not even challenged. Big-bore battleship naval gunfire able to support the troops ashore during the first days of combat and for WEEKS afterwards!

Allied forces at Normandy also aided and abetted by partisans of the French Resistance greatly impeding German reserve units from moving to the Normandy battlefield.

Hard too I might think most correctly for the Ukrainian to replace losses in hardware and manpower both! Allied forces Normandy able to replenish their forces almost at will, in an expeditious and admirable fashion.


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