Thursday, July 13, 2023


This is coolbert:

“There should be no mercy for the cowardly ones leaving their ranks or surrendering; rifle, machine-gun and cannon fire should be directed at surrendering soldiers, even if it requires ceasing fire on the enemy; we should act in the same way on those retreating or running away, and, if necessary, a mass shooting should be carried out… The weak-willed have no place among us and they must be eliminated.” - Alexei Brusilov.

Before there were NKVD blocking units The Great Patriotic War [WW2] and before there were Chechen blocking units the Ukraine Conflict there was Brusilov.

"The 3 most effective Russian military leaders of World War I"


Honestly other than Brusilov I think the general historical consensus of the Russian high command during The Great War is that of senior military flag-grade officers rather inept and incompetent. Chosen for political reasons and loyalty to the Czar more than battlefield ability. 

That contention that the Russian during the Great War had commanders in addition to Brusilov of marked ability a surprise? Devoted readers to the blog will have to read the entire article and decide for themselves.

Brusilov generally given high marks and most famous for that most [?] successful Russian campaign of the Great War.

Read further from the wiki that entry devoted to Brusilov. Alexei perhaps surprisingly so in the aftermath of the war: "he sided with the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War and aided in the early organization of the Red Army until retiring in 1924."


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