Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Kursk II.

This is coolbert:

Russian fortifications, the Ukraine Conflict.

I strongly suggest devoted readers to the blog to read the entire isegoria.net Internet article without qualification or reservation. YES, this is Kursk II, 2023. 

"These engineering works include concrete-lined trenches, barbed wire, dragon’s teeth, anti-tank ditches, and plenty of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines"

From https://www.isegoria.netd | July 24th, 2023.

"During World War II, German soldiers marveled at how skillfully Red Army troops used a shovel, and Russian engineers seem to have lost none of their skill"

“'Russian constructions follow traditional military plans for entrenchment, largely unchanged since the Second World War,' British military intelligence said in a December statement about Russian activity in Luhansk."

Read additionally the comments of an American soldier of some expertise his comments on the Russian ability to fortify and consolidate captured territory.

"Former Special Forces engineer says Russian minefields are unlike anything he has ever seen and battling these hidden death traps is 'exhausting'"

See previous blog entries as applicable:





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