Tuesday, July 11, 2023


This is coolbert:

GB gone. Mustard gone. All American stockpiled chemical weapons gone. Last batches remaining exist no more.

1. "US Destroys Last Of Its Chemical Weapons Stockpile"

From https://www.zerohedge.com | BY TYLER DURDEN | JUL 09, 2023.

Original story | Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

"The United States has destroyed the last of its declared chemical weapons stockpile at a military installation in Kentucky."

2. "The last of the chemical weapons stored at the US Army Depot in Pueblo are gone"

From https://www.cpr.org/  | story by Shanna Lewis and Caitlyn Kim | Jun. 22, 2023.

"During the past eight years, workers at the Pueblo site destroyed nearly 800,000 weapons filled with dangerous mustard gas, according to an announcement by the facility. The stockpile had been kept in earth-covered shelters there since the 1950s."


* Process to destroy the existing stockpile chemical munitions laborious, time-consuming and expensive. And in all cases very strong safety protocols in place.

* Recall that no provisions at the time of manufacture [1950's] had been made for eventual destruction of stored and unused chemical munitions. American DoD should be given high marks for a job well done.

* Those facilities devoted to the destruction process will in turn need to be dismantled/decontaminated/disposed of. Finality achieved.


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