Thursday, July 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

Russian naval blockade the Black Sea now being implemented? 

"Ways Russia Could Attack Merchant Ships If Black Sea Grain Initiative [BSGI] Ends"

(Alternative Title: How Russia Could Torpedo The Grain Deal)

From "Covert Shores" Internet web site and thanks to same.

"From the first day of its 2022 invasion, Russia enforced a blockade of Ukrainian ports. Several merchant ships were attacked, likely by Russian forces. This was accompanied by a warning (read ‘threat’) to shipping that Russia could not guarantee the safety in the northern Black Sea. The blockade was never legally established but was, in practice, absolute."


"Starting in July 2022, the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI) allows the export of grain from the Black Sea. This is important to the world, and to the economies of Ukraine and Russia. The latest iteration of the deal is set to expire on July 18."

"Whether the deal will be renewed is subject of speculation. It is a complex political topic which I will leave to others. However, one question which comes up is what Russia could do to reduce or prevent grain shipments from Ukraine if the deal collapses?"

Devoted readers to the blog are invited to read the rest of the H. I. Sutton article. Various means and methods fair and foul can be resorted to by the Russian that grain deal as it stands right now can rightfully be seen as "dead in the water".


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