Friday, July 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

Herewith everything you need to know about the Russian Derivation AAA system.

Main gun firing the old-fashioned 57 mm Soviet era caliber AAA round. But much more than that.

"'Promising and interesting development': the Russian artillery complex 'Derivation' will receive guided shells"

 From | Teller Report | 1/30/2021.

"The new Russian anti-aircraft artillery complex 'Derivation-Air Defense' will be equipped with multifunctional, armor-piercing sub-caliber and guided shells . . . "

"'Derivation-PVO' is a self-propelled gun mounted on the chassis of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, which is equipped with a combat module with an automatic 57 mm cannon. According to experts, an anti-aircraft complex armed with such projectiles will significantly enhance the air defense capabilities of the front edge of hostilities."

"The newest Russian artillery complex 'Derivation-Air Defense' will be equipped with multifunctional, sub-caliber armor-piercing and guided shells."

One of those rounds to be fired from Derivation AAA the drone capturing net as was the subject of the most prior blog entry!

Devoted readers to the blog and those of you perusing the blog in a much more casual manner will want to read the entire article.

Derivation not needing any sort of radar guidance and much more stealthy on the battlefield as a consequence. Relying on electro-optical for target acquisition and fire control.


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