Wednesday, June 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'We should learn from our enemy on how they construct their trenches, because they are so excellent at that,' . . . 'They use specialized vehicles, not only hands.'”

Fortification Russian the Ukraine Conflict formidable. Reminiscent of the PaK front World War Two? Creating great difficulty for the Ukrainian counter-offensive?

"The Russian fortifications Ukraine needs to break through in its counter-offensive"

"New satellite images reveal the array of minefields, anti-tank ditches and trenches lying ahead of Ukrainian troops"

From the archive of the "Telegraph" | Joe Barnes | BRUSSELS CORRESPONDENT | 11 June 2023 • 

PaK = PanzerabwehrKanone. Defensive structures primarily [?] a feature of warfare the Eastern Front, WW2?

Defensive architecture consisting of anti-tank obstacles, anti-tank ditch, mine field of both anti-personnel and anti-tank land mines, firing positions for anti-tank guns [include anti-tank guided-missiles in the modern context] carefully sighted with interlocking fields of fire. Soviet sections of PAK front constructed in depth on occasion to a distance of fifty miles [eighty kilometers]. 

Specially selected firing positions for anti-tank guns the PaK front. One commander directing as he saw the selection of targets. I might expect to find that the Russian to include both anti-tank guided-missiles and traditional anti-tank guns of the T-12 100 mm and 125 mm Sprut variety as a mix.

Read of the Russian BTM trenching machine. Effective and making things infinitely easier for the simple soldier on the ground.

"The BTM can dig trenches in curves with a minimum radius of 25 m. The vehicle can switch from transport mode to operating (digging) mode in 10 minutes. When digging at 3rd gear, the BTM can approximately dig an 800 meter long man-sized trench in one hour."

Read also previous blog entries the Russian fortifications the Ukraine Conflict:


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