Sunday, June 25, 2023


 This is coolbert:

Over even before it really began so it seems. At least from my perspective.

The "march on Moscow" and the rebellion by Wagner Group has come to an end and very abruptly.

Thanks here from the tips from Freeper.

1. "Russia says Wagner Group’s leader will move to Belarus after his rebellious march challenged Putin"

From  | AP ^ | June 24, 2023.

"The rebellious Russian mercenary commander who ordered his troops to march on Moscow before abruptly reversing course will move to neighboring Belarus and not face prosecution, the Kremlin said Saturday, as part of a deal to defuse a crisis that represented the most significant challenge to President Vladimir Putin in his more than two decades in power. The charges against Yevgeny Prigozhin for mounting an armed rebellion will be dropped and the troops who joined him also will not be prosecuted"

2. "Wagner leader Prigozhin will move to Belarus following the mercenary group's uprising against Putin, Kremlin spokesman says"

From Business Insider ^ | Jun 24, 2023 | Michelle Mark.

"The Kremlin has forged a deal with Wagner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin to defuse the mercenary group's uprising on Saturday. In exchange for Prigozhin's exile to Belarus, the mercenary leader won't be prosecuted, the Associated Press reported, citing a Kremlin spokesperson. The reported agreement comes after a paramilitary rebellion on Saturday in which the Wagner Group marched across Russia before suddenly turning around just 120 miles from Moscow."

Comfortable [?] banishment and exile for Yevgeniyy to Belarus. For a man who was a personal confidant of Vlad Putin this must represent a very come-down!

Those very heated and repeated public displays of vitriol directed by Yevgeniyy toward the ruling elite in Moscow too an indication that "things" hardly going according to plan, the Russian effort the Ukraine Conflict creating great strain among the major players.


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