Thursday, June 22, 2023

Malaria II.

This is coolbert:

"The flooding of Kherson Oblast [region] planned by the Kyiv regime can complicate the situation, including with regard to arbovirus infections," - Kirillov.

"Arbovirus = refers to any virus that is transmitted by arthropod vectors, including insects, ticks, mosquitoes, sandflies, and biting midges"

Flooding the lower section of the Dneiper creating a situation advantageous bio-warfare?

1. "Biowarfare incoming? Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-infested mosquitoes on Russian troops in Ukraine"

Thanks to |  article 06/21/2023 // Arsenio Toledo.

"A high-ranking Russian general has alleged that the United States is planning to use drones to drop mosquitoes infected with malaria onto Russian soldiers in Ukraine."

"Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, commander of the Russian Armed Forces' Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops, made this claim during an address televised by the Russian state-owned media as he also accused Ukraine of targeting the Nova Kakhovka dam and flooding the entire region."

Undoubtedly blame will be assessed to the "American" bio-weapon labs Ukraine! Weaponized malaria as a WEAPON of war. 

Flooding of an apocalyptic nature as creating a situation favorable for bio-warfare hardly limited to the Ukraine Conflict. Think World War Two and the Italian Campaign!

2. "Nazi mosquitoes drew blood on Italian front"

 Courtesy "The Sydney Morning Herald" |  February 15, 2006 — 

"ROME: The Nazis tried to halt the advance of British and American troops through Italy during World War II by unleashing malaria-carrying mosquitoes in what is believed to be the only biological warfare attack carried out in Europe, according to new research."

"It was meant to hinder the Allied push from the south and to punish the Italian people for what the Germans saw as treachery after Italy switched sides."


 "The Germans flooded the marshes that lay on the path into Rome from the south by reversing the pumps that drained them. They then introduced millions of larvae of Anopheles labranchiae, a species of malaria-carrying mosquito."

The Pontine marshes even during Roman time the legions marching through the area in the most expeditious manner possible no delay. Avoid the miasma if possible. 

On a planetary scale it is estimated that half the number of human beings that have ever lived [about 100 billion] have perished either from malaria or complications from contracting malaria!!

See previous blog entries as applicable:

And comrade have you studied the efficacy of Dubonnet liquer as a prophylactic against malaria??


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