Friday, June 30, 2023


This is coolbert:

Preparing for war, are we mon ami?

"France Builds New Military Hospital In Preparation For War"

From | article by TYLER DURDEN | JUN 30, 2023.

"On his second day in Marseilles, Tuesday, June 27, Macron announced that a new military hospital would be built on the Sainte-Marthe site by 'the beginning of the next decade,' reports CNews."

"French President Emmanuel Macron announced the construction of a military hospital in Marseilles, with the facility intended to 'prepare France for a possible high-intensity war.'”

High intensity war often defined as combat using atomic weapons!

Although Macron said in a statement that the hospital will be able to provide a range of healthcare services, it will 'play a key role in the event of a major war,' the president said, adding that 'the next-generation medical center is intended to meet the needs of the army for decades to come.'”

Macron needs to super fast-track that hospital! Construction only going to BEGIN the start of the next decade? Might be needed much sooner. But what do I know?


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