Saturday, June 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

To what extent this is war grave desecration I cannot say. 

"Uruguay to Melt Nazi Bronze Eagle, Recast it as Peace Dove"

From Yahoo News! ^ | Fri, June 16, 2023 the tip thanks Freeper.

"Uruguay will melt down a bronze eagle found on a sunken World War II-era German destroyer [actually a pocket battleship] off its coast 13 years ago, and recast it as a dove of peace, the South American country's president said Friday. The 350-kilogram (770-pound) 'symbol of violence and war' will be turned into a 'symbol of peace and union,' President Luis Lacalle Pou told journalists in the capital Montevideo. The two-meter (6.5-foot)-tall bird with a Nazi swastika gripped in its talons adorned the stern of the Admiral Graf Spee, a battleship involved in one of the first naval skirmishes of World War II."

Evidently the Graf Spee is not a war grave. No bodies on the scuttled ship! Recovering parts of the sunken warship not a violation of any protocols.

This too! This melting down and recasting the bronze eagle is a compromise? 

"On 2 January 2022, a newspaper in Punta del Este reported that an Argentine Jewish businessman, Daniel Sielecki, had offered to buy the eagle and swastika crest from the Admiral Graf Spee from the naval warehouse. Sielecki said he wanted to explode the crest into 'a thousand pieces' in order to keep it out of the hands of neo-Nazis."

Peace and union it will be then. Nothing wrong with that.


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