Sunday, June 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

See this interesting docu-drama, the Battle of Culloden. Originally from 1964 but receiving high praise even sixty years later!

"The Battle of Culloden was the final confrontation of the 1745 Jacobite Rising. On 16 April 1746, the Jacobite forces of Charles Edward Stuart fought loyalist troops commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland near Inverness in the Scottish Highlands. The Hanoverian victory at Culloden decisively halted the Jacobite intent to overthrow the House of Hanover and restore the House of Stuart to the British throne; Charles Stuart never mounted any further attempts to challenge Hanoverian power in Great Britain. The conflict was the last pitched battle fought on British soil."

From a comment to the You Tube video:

"Stephen Marshall 3 years ago I only saw this film once, I was an officer cadet at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1980. It was shown in part to educate us about that form of warfare but mostly to show us how not to behave to a vanquished enemy and population."

Most particular so the events on the battlefield as begins 44:00 into the video. Scots wounded of the Jacobite army strewn about the zone of combat wounded and non-ambulatory as they say. Rebels of the Jacobite army their throats slit, shot, bashed, bayoneted indiscriminately. No mercy shewn to the defeated rebels. Done in an orderly and methodical manner, not with wild and riotous abandon.

That Duke of Cumberland [British commander] his "yearly salary" increased by £25,000 due to his command of the British army Culloden. That is equal to about £3,500,000 today! A tidy sum even for a Duke.


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