Monday, May 22, 2023


This is coolbert

Looked for cannot be seen! Listened for cannot be heard! Felt for cannot be touched!

Deadly Shaolin assassin? 

"Satellite photographed the secret Chinese WZ-8 drone, which can reach speeds in excess of 3,700km/h and is designed to destroy F-35 and F-22 fighters"

From | | article by Maksim Panasovskyi | 20.05.2023.

"Satellite photographed the secret Chinese WZ-8 drone, which can reach speeds in excess of 3,700km/h [about 2,300 mph] and is designed to destroy F-35 and F-22 fighters"

"Defense News reporters have obtained an image of China's secret supersonic WZ-8 drone. The drone is parked outside one of the new hangars at Lu'an Air Base in Anhui province."

"The People's Republic of China is actively upgrading the airbase where the People's Liberation Army bombers are stationed. As you can see, a hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicle capable of speeds of Mach 3 (more than 3,700km/h) is also located there."

Chinese combat drone with the specific mission of dogfighting and destroying America air-superiority fighter warplanes F-22 and F-35.

Stealthy to the extent it will not be visible to the sensors of either American F-22 or F-35? WZ-8 can find you but you cannot find WZ-8?

See also previous blog entry AI enhanced warplane [drone] a formidable adversary for the human-piloted combat aircraft:


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