Wednesday, May 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

When Nick Pope speaks we must all listen! I for one am. Nick Pope - Former Head Of The MoD’s [British] UFO Research Program

"TRUTH IS OUT THERE I led UK’s secret UFO division and a forgotten sighting still haunts me – HUNDREDS saw it, so why was it ignored?"

From | the story by Alison Maloney  2 May 2023. Image thanks also "The Sun" and edited.

"A MYSTERIOUS triangular craft zipped across the sky over a military base and, as astonished Ministry of Defense police looked on, aimed a search light at the ground below."

"The incredible sighting above Cosford RAF Base in Shropshire on March 31, 1993, was one of hundreds reported across the UK by members of the public, police officers and military personnel over a two day period."

"Even here we are on the verge of creating sentient AI, so imagine what a civilization with a million years' head start has probably achieved" - Nick Pope

"Five years ago this was all crazy conspiracy theories, sci-fi fantasy; now it’s discussed in Congress and NASA's doing a study... the UK is still playing catch up. We need to up our game" - Nick Pope

"The unofficial postscript was ‘thank goodness they were friendly, because if they hadn't been there was nothing we could have done’" - Nick Pope.

Paranormal experiences of the disinterested and trained military observer operating without agenda to be given a very high degree of credence! So is the thought!

How are we to know the space aliens if indeed they do exist are friendly? Perhaps these objects that have been observed are unmanned recce [reconnaissance] missions prior to the arrival of the invasion fleet?

Hello earthlings! We come in peace Sure!


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