Thursday, May 4, 2023


 This is coolbert:

SNAFU LCS-31. Last vessel of the LCS class [littoral combat ship] to be build damaged during launch!

"Distracted, Woke US Navy Can’t Launch A Ship Without Breaking It"

From https://armedforces.pres | the article by John Hughes  | April 23, 2023.

"On April 14, 2023, the US Navy launched its newest vessel in its fleet. The USS Cleveland, LCS-31, is a Freedom Class littoral combat ship. At 388 feet, it weighs in at 3,410 metric tons and can exceed 46 mph [74 kph] on the water. Ordinarily, a ship launch is a publicized event with local coverage but rarely rises to the level of national attention. This event, however, was different and not in a good way."

See the You Tube video:

"Since its founding in October 1775, the US Navy has proudly and effectively served the nation in peacetime and wartime. As a maritime branch of service, it is intuitive that part of its essential existence involves building and launching ships. After 248 years, it would seem that the Navy has had time to perfect the process of putting a newly built ship made with taxpayers dollars into the water without mishap."

From the You Tube video it seems the Cleveland when it strikes the water just creates a huge wave of water that merely envelopes the tug and nothing more than that. Apparently when viewing from different angles it can be seen the Cleveland did indeed strike the tug with minimal damage done.

Minimal damage or not this launching can be only interpreted as a bad omen. Sailors will perceive the Cleveland from this moment forward to be a jinxed vessel. Beware duty aboard the Cleveland.

"jinxed: adjective - having or believed to bring bad luck" 


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