Wednesday, May 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

"inculcation: noun | the act of inculcating, or teaching or influencing persistently and repeatedly so as to implant or instill an idea, theory, attitude, etc."

Paramilitary training young children Communist China. See the You Tube video:

"China's amazing early childhood education, training to carry explosive packs to fight the battlefield from an early age~|The Congressional Investigation Corps"

Little Chinese children at an early age taught to carry satchel charges, navigate an obstacle course, place the satchel charge on the target. That side-wise crawling method evidently popular among the Chinese and Japanese military of World War Two.

See this additionally courtesy Jennifer Zeng:

"Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言
#Chinese Children Taught and Encouraged to...You will find out.
I don't know why they claim Hunan people 'will be the first to perish'. Maybe this video is done in #Hunan Province, or scripted by Hunan people.
#China #CCP #Japan #japanese #CCPChina"

Go here and see the tweet with video. Once more the paramilitary training young Chinese people. Stabbing here straw dummies wearing Japanese uniforms. Carry a real [?] SKS carbine with attached bayonet. Throw hand grenades. Military summer camp for little kids. 

Film footage of this type was often leaked to and shown to an American audience during the Cold War era.. Intimidate and scare [?] the Yankee enemy. Who could possibly fight and prevail over an adversary whose young people were taught to hate the Yankee AND from the earliest age prepared to fight.


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