Thursday, May 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

Consider quite correctly so to be an instance and indicator of waning American influence in the world? USA perceived and again perhaps quite correctly so to be an unreliable partner when it comes to bi-lateral defense?

"waning: intransitive verb | 2. to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence."

"Defense Ministers of China, Japan launch direct naval, aerial communication line"

"The new mechanism has reportedly been established based on the consensus, achieved by the two states’ authorities"

"BEIJING, May 16. /TASS/. Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu and his Japanese counterpart Yasukazu Hamada launched a direct phone line for bilateral naval and aerial communication, the Chinese Defense Ministry reported Monday."

"According to the Ministry statement, published on the WeChat social platform, the two sides 'had a phone call via the direct line of the bilateral mechanism for naval and aerial communication, exchanging opinions about inter-state and defense Chinese-Japanese ties.'"

See at this web site a discussion of bilateral hotlines worldwide:

"The hotlines between the heads of governments, are meant to prevent war [nuclear or otherwise] in times of severe crisis. For preventing misunderstandings and miscommunications in less critical situations, countries have also set up lower level telephone hotlines between their defense or foreign ministers."

Even if not totally 100 % so America no longer reliable as a defense partner the reality is that leaders throughout the world will discern it as being so!


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