Saturday, May 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

 An extract of an article the topic those Daily Briefs highly-classified documents as posted on the DISCORD game-player message forum web site.

"Pentagon Leaks: RQ-170 Flights, Ukrainian War Briefings And Other Interesting Details"

From | STEFANO D'URSO | May 4, 2023.

"As the arrested guardsman awaits trial, let’s talk about what happened, the info he leaked and how the Department of Defense is reacting to the ‘Pentagon Leaks’."

To the extract:

"the daily briefings provide snapshots from the main battlefields, detailing the numbers and composition of defending and attacking forces. The documents show that the Russian forces, while in some areas they largely outnumber the Ukrainian forces (up to a 7 to 1 factor), are advancing very slowly, at a pace of less than 3 km [1.8 miles] a month. As a matter of fact, the intelligence assesses that Russia settled into an attrition campaign, with the Ukrainian defense facing daily artillery fires, airstrikes, and repeated multi-pronged, small-unit ground assaults."

Graphic here courtesy Yellow area unoccupied Ukrainian territory. Area in purple those areas of Donbass under Russian control prior to 24 Feb. 2022. Area in red that land as seized and continuing to be occupied by Russian army. From my perspective gain rather scant compared to effort. Forward movement of Russian army proceeding at what can be only described as "glacial" in nature! Click on image to see an enlarged view.

"glacial: adjective | Extremely slow, like the movement of a glacier."

"Another daily briefing details the losses of both countries, with up to 43,000 Russians and 17,500 Ukrainians killed in action. Adding the wounded, these numbers rise to 223,000 and 131,000, respectively. Equipment wise, Russia lost about 75% of its deployed artillery systems, while Ukraine lost about 10% of them."

Three-quarters of Russian deployed artillery gone! No wonder the Russian using tanks as artillery.

HEY! With regard to the comparative glacially-slow advance of the Russian army, whatever happened to blitzkrieg, deep operations and such?


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