Monday, May 8, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not without precedent!

Years ago now and under which administration I cannot recall troops deployed "to the border". That previous occasion as stated the number was about 10,000 personnel.

Announced that the 10,000 would be sent to the southern border [with Mexico] but over a period of eighteen months. Meaning that generally speaking at any given moment about six-hundred military soldiers in the capacity of border duty.

"Active-duty troops heading to southern border will largely do ‘support tasks’"

From | by Mike Brest, Defense Reporter | May 02, 2023.

"Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin approved a plan that would send an additional 1,500 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border in preparation for the possibility of an influx of immigrants next week when Title 42 expires."

"The troops are expected to arrive as early as a week from this Wednesday, according to Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, one day ahead of when Title 42, which was invoked at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and has allowed border authorities to more quickly expel migrants, is set to expire."

BORDER DUTY often so BROADLY DEFINED as meaning that military vehicle mechanics doing routine maintenance of Border Patrol vehicles within a two-thousand mile radius [3,200 Km.] of the border deemed as "on border duty". That radius to include all parts of the USA other than the Pacific Northwest or New England.

Say what you will. Until I see different it is all a hustle and the American public should know so! Hustle as meaning not totally honest/dishonest. More cosmetics and for headlines.


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