Monday, April 24, 2023


This is coolbert.

"Wrecking . . . was a crime specified in the criminal code of the Soviet Union in the Stalin era. It is often translated as "sabotage' . . . the meaning of 'wrecking' is closer to 'undermining'."

Back in the days of J. Stalin the response would have been?

"Vladimir Putin 'fires top admiral after he refused to send his sailors from his Pacific fleet to fight in Ukraine war'"

From the Daily Mail ^ | 4/23/2023 | ROHAN GUPTA the tip from Freeper.

"Vladimir Putin has reportedly fired a top admiral because of his refusal to send his sailors to fight in the war against Ukraine. Admiral Sergei Avakyants, 66, was suddenly stripped of the role of commander of the Russian Pacific Fleet last week during war games involving nuclear bombers ordered by the Kremlin. Avakyants has been seeking to protect his men from deployment - to prevent them from being cannon fodder"

This Admiral commander of the Russian Pacific Fleet. The Russian having four fleets: Pacific, Black, Baltic, Northern. Each fleet have an organic unit of ground troops, either a regiment or a brigade of Marines. That brigade of Marines, Pacific Fleet, sent to the Ukraine Conflict effectiveness in one engagement alone becoming almost null!

"'Thirty-one armored vehicles of the 155th Separate Guards Marine Brigade from the Russian Pacific Fleet were destroyed during an assault on Vuhledar,'"

According to the Soviet defector Suvorov Russian ground force commanders rated a single regiment of Russian Marines as having a fighting capacity three time that [3X] of a similarly-sized traditional Red Army unit.

And as to the RESPONSE of J. Stalin to a similar refusal, we all intuitively understand what that would have been, don't we!


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