Thursday, April 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Vector: Biology - an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc."

"Did Canada supply 'infected insects' to U.S. Military during the Korean War?"

Biological warfare Korea the Canadian connection?

Article thanks to | Written by: Jeffrey S. Kaye | March 14, 2023.

"It was late April 1952 and the Korean War was nearing its second anniversary with no end in sight. In Canada, newspapers and the Canadian government erupted in fury when it was reported that the Canadian Peace Congress’ chairman implied that Canada may have supplied infected insects to U.S. forces, who were accused of bombing the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) and China with bacteriological or 'germ' weapons."

"Quite famously, the first reports of U.S. germ warfare in 1952 came during the dead of the Korean and Manchurian winter. Critics pointed to pictures the Communists released of insects wiggling on mounds of snow. They made much of the fact that it seemed absurd to think insects could be used as weapons in such a harsh climate."

YES indeed. Insects almost totally so during a period of sub-freezing temperatures either DIE or enter a TORPID state not remaining active. Insects during the winter time a poor VECTOR for bio-warfare agents. 

That allegation made the Canadian military at a secret bio-warfare laboratory by selective breeding of insects could create a cold-weather hardy insect remaining active during the winter.

"Fort Churchill related to experiments with insect cold-hardiness or perhaps the breeding of more cold resistant insects and bacteria to be used in germ warfare during the Korean War?"

The truth is out there but perhaps will never be known with 100 % certainty?


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