Tuesday, April 25, 2023


This is coolbert:

The Century of Shame and unfair treaties! Also to war with street sign.

"toponymy: noun - The place names of a region or language. The study of such place names."

1. "China’s Maps Call Vladivostok ‘Haishenwai’"

"And therein lies the beginning of what could become quite a story."

Aleksandra Gadzala Tirziu | The New York Sun | March 25, 2023.

"It has been said that one cannot use an old map to explore a new world. Yet, if one is Communist China, one might be able to edit it to create a new world. Beijing’s recently revised mapping standards seem to suggest it is attempting just that."


"Beijing maintains that these, and five other, territories were unduly handed to Tsarist Russia in a bout of treaties that saw Moscow strip China of 350,000 square miles [about 900,000 km^2] of land during the nineteenth century. The CCP claims that the new standards then reflect 'China’s actual borders based on historical materials.'”


2. "Ukraine bans place names connected to Russia"

From Scot Free.com ^ | April 22, 2023 the tip from Freeper.

"A new law prohibits toponymy related to Russia, its history, culture or personalities. President Vladimir Zelensky has signed legislation eradicating references to Russian history or culture in the names of cities, towns, villages and other geographical locations in Ukraine."

It is reputed that the East Germans had a warehouse full of already printed and ready-to-go street signs to be used during the invasion and occupation of West Germany by communist forces if and when war between NATO and Warsaw Pact nations had occurred. ERADICATE the old order - in with the NEW order!

It is no longer Kurfürstendamm or Unter den Linden comrade! Think rather Karl-Marx-Allee and  Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz comrade!


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