Saturday, April 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

Again, the PAPER TIGER syndrome at work?

"The term refers to something or someone that claims or appears to be powerful or threatening, but is actually ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge."

Germans? Paper tigers? The Germans?

"Paper Tiger? German Army Reserve Only Exists ‘On Paper’, Says Volunteer Boss"

From |  OLIVER JJ LANE | 14 Apr 2023.

"The German reserve forces are only a fraction of the officially stated size, lack equipment and training, and is a force 'that still largely exists on paper', says the chief of the German reserves association."

"Berlin is looking to make its armed forces more effective after years of under-investment, and Russian aggression reaching the borders of the European Union. The reserve forces are seen to be an important part of this plan, yet as the leader of the group which represents the interests of reserve soldiers, it is far from being able to meet these goals and appears to resemble more a paper tiger than a valued defense component."


"Far from the official total number of reserves on the books of around 930,000 people — achieved because by law everyone in Germany with past military service is a reservist forever — actually only 'around 34,000' of them are in any way active or recently trained." 

When they speak of YEARS of under-investment they more correctly should be speaking of DECADES of under-investment.

And to all this General Rommel would say? "Was ist das für ein scheiss?"


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