Wednesday, April 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

"The future is in Asia. We've got to have a presence in the Pacific to prevent China doing something ridiculous like invading Taiwan," 

Not just east of Suez but east of Singapore?

"UK May Deploy Warship to Indo-Pacific on Permanent Basis"

 From | 17 Apr 2023.

"MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The UK government is in talks to place a warship to the Indo-Pacific region for a permanent deployment, British newspaper reported on Monday citing a government source."

"The UK plans to deploy at least one Type-31 frigate, which will become a tipping point after five decades of UK military power's decline east of Suez, the newspaper added."

ONE Inspiration class frigate of a class that yet to have been built, much less capable of sailing half-way around the world.

I doubt a SINGLE warship even of the Royal Navy [RN]  going to intimidate or SCARE the Chinese a whole lot. 

Think this gesture part and parcel of the tripwire force concept of deterrence.

"A tripwire force . . . is a strategic approach in deterrence theory. The tripwire force is a military force smaller than that of a potential adversary, which is designed to signal the defending side's commitment to an armed response to future aggression without triggering a security spiral."


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