Saturday, April 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

Convicts as recruited by the Wagner Group infected with the HIV virus. Not receiving treatment in the Russian penal system. Hoping to be taken prisoner by the Ukrainian with the hope of getting humane and merciful medical care from the Ukrainian.

"‘A Quick Death or a Slow Death’: Prisoners Choose War to Get Lifesaving Drugs"

"An estimated 20 percent of Russia prisoner recruits are H.I.V. positive. To some, the front lines seemed less risky than prisons where they said they were denied effective treatments."

From the article by Andrew E. Kramer April 21, 2023.

"Andrew E. Kramer reported from Dnipro, Ukraine, interviewing Russian soldiers from prisoner units in Ukrainian detention centers."

"In Russian prisons, they said they were deprived of effective treatments for their H.I.V. On the battlefield in Ukraine, they were offered hope, with the promise of anti-viral medications if they agreed to fight."

"It was a recruiting pitch that worked for many Russian prisoners."

"About 20 percent of recruits in Russian prisoner units are H.I.V. positive, Ukrainian authorities estimate based on infection rates in captured soldiers. Serving on the front lines seemed less risky than staying in prison, the detainees said in interviews with The New York Times."

HIV and AIDS indeed manageable with the correct regimen of drugs! The Ukrainian able to provide medications necessary? I might well imagine that Wagner PMC prisoner of war low on the order of priorities, the Ukrainian combat medical corps.


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