Friday, April 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'Friendly fire - isn't' - Murphy's laws"

Russian warplane accidentally drops bunker-buster bomb on the Russian city of Belgorod.

"​What Fell on Belgorod: Video Shows How the Russian Bunker Busters Work"

From | April 21, 2023 | Defense Express.

"Special BetAB-500ShP are designed to destroy airfield runways and fortifications of reinforced concrete"

"After the incident officially called by the Russian ministry of defense as 'extraordinary release of an aircraft munition' with consequent falling of it on the city of Belgorod in Russia, a detailed video from the site appeared. This footage made it easy to identify the exact type of the bomb dropped by the carrier."

Watch the embedded video and see the accompanying images.

"Although we cannot see the munition itself, the way it detonated told a lot. This type of a bomb that made it into the ground and blew up after a while in Belgorod is a special rocket-assisted bunker buster called BetAB-500ShP."


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