Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Threshold II.

This is coolbert:

Here begins some blog entries based on info the "Barents Observer" and thanks to same.

"Land forces [Russian] at Kola reduced to one-fifth, Norwegian Intelligence says"

"The land forces [Russian] on Kola are reduced to a fifth of their original numbers before the invasion of Ukraine," says Chief of the Norwegian Intelligence Service, Vice Admiral Nils Andreas Stensønes to the Barents Observer. He warns that the consequence is a Russia which may lower the threshold for nuclear escalation, also near Norway."

From the article by Thomas Nilsen | February 13, 2023.

"Tears are flowing to the Pechenga River from young widows and children as names of fallen soldiers are telegrammed north from Vladimir Putin’s battlefields in Ukraine. The bloody fate of the men that just over a year ago were based near Russia’s peaceful border with Norway and Finland is much worse than previously known, according to a report issued on Monday by the Norwegian Intelligence Service."


* Russian active-duty troops normally stationed the Russian Arctic far north on the Russian border opposite Norway and Finland having been deployed to combat duty the Ukraine their losses exceedingly high!

* See this article from 2017 a discussion of "lowering" the nuclear threshold.


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