Saturday, March 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

What if they gave a war and no one had anything to shoot!

 "US Officials Think Ukraine’s Ammunition Use Is Unsustainable"

Article Dave DeCamp | | March 16, 2023 and thanks to the tip from Southie.

"A Pentagon official described upcoming ammunition shipments as a 'last ditch effort' to help Ukraine since Western stockpiles are low"

Correct. Western stockpiles of war-making bang stuff sorely depleted. NATO now not even enough ammo on hand to meet it's own requirements for a sustained war such has already been the degree of depletion. And think too war-making bang stuff not strictly confined to artillery rounds.

"Ukraine is firing thousands of artillery shells each day in its battle to defend the Donbas city of Bakhmut, a pace that US and European officials don’t think is sustainable, The New York Times reported Thursday."


"The US and its NATO allies were not prepared to support such an intense artillery war. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has acknowledged that Ukraine is using munitions at a much faster rate than the entire 30-member alliance can produce. The Western powers have big plans to ramp up the production of artillery rounds, but it will take months before any significant progress is made."

According to the news reports I have seen, ramped-up production will not be achieved until 2025 and even then the Ukrainian demand for more artillery ammunition will still be exceeded by expenditure! Ukrainian artillery ammunition use just not thought to be unsustainable. It IS unsustainable.

See prior blog entries as germane:


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