Thursday, March 30, 2023

Skywalker II.

This is coolbert:

Skywalker speaks, the Ukraine Conflict.

"Ukraine War: Star Wars star lends voice to air raid app"

From BBC News by George Wright

"When there is a threat of incoming Russian missiles in Ukraine, a familiar voice is heard by millions, warning them to take cover."

"Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, recently lent his voice to the Air Alert app, linked to Ukraine's air defense system."

"'Attention. Air raid alert. Proceed to the nearest shelter,' he says."

"'Don't be careless,' Mr Hamill's voice continues. 'Your overconfidence is your weakness.'"

"It signs off by saying: 'The alert is over. May the Force be with you.'"

"The app kicks in when air raid sirens start blaring across the country."

See item # 8. from a prior blog entry:

"Recognized intellectuals and artists support our cause."

Listen to Skywalker. Not heeding his admonition can be hazardous to your health!


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