Sunday, March 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Lawfare: "'the exploitation of real, perceived, or even orchestrated incidents of law-of-war violations being employed as an unconventional means of confronting' a superior military power"

1. "Israeli Military Reservists, Including Pilots, Say Judicial Overhaul Could Expose Them to ICC Prosecution"

From | STEVEN GANOT | 03/05/2023.

"Dozens of senior pilots in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) have met with IAF chief Tomer Bar to express concerns over their continued service in the reserves. The pilots fear that the Israeli government’s planned judicial overhaul could so damage the reputation of Israeli courts for enforcing international norms and delivering legal verdicts independent from political intervention that it would expose them to prosecution by international bodies, such as the International Criminal Court [ICC]."

2. "In Shocking Move Israeli Fighter Pilots Refuse To Fly In Protest Of Judicial Reforms"

By Gil Tanenbaum | Published March 5, 2023.

"After threats of refusal to perform obligatory reserve duty, 37 of the pilots in the Israel Air Force’s (IAF) 69th Reserve Squadron have confirmed that they will not show up for duty this Wednesday and take part in a planned air training exercise. The pilots fly the F-15I fighter aircraft called the 'Ra’am' in Hebrew, which means thunder.  In Israel military service is considered a sacred duty on the part of citizens. To 'strike' like this means certain court martial and being jailed."

Read of the incident of the Israeli general office who had been subjected to an arrest warrant in a British court of law. The man would have been arrested if he had disembarked from the aircraft on the ground at Heathrow. Charged with war crimes.

Certain nations too such as Belgium and Spain claim universal jurisdiction for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Israel combat aviators their concerns valid they may one day be extradited to stand trial for alleged war crimes. Their fears not without foundation.


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