Friday, March 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not U.S. Marines or Navy SEAL's but American teenagers the period of the 1960's.

CONSIDER within the context of the relative UNFITNESS of young American people their potential for enlistment into the USA armed services poor.

From the story September 2, 2022 • Eric Miller.

Devoted readers to the blog need to watch this You Tube video.

American secondary education physical education class achieving unheard and perhaps never to be equaled levels of conditioning and fitness. A one-of-a-kind program perhaps but results nonetheless remarkable.

Physical conditioning and fitness as might be attained only by American Navy SEAL's or U.S. Air force pararescue jumpers.

"'The School Where Fitness Counts' on LaSierra High School [doors closed for some decades now] in Carmichael, CA was produced by the President's Council On Physical Fitness and Sports in Washington, DC. This film highlights the physical fitness benefits of a classical PE program like LaSierra but also the mental health and cognitive learning benefits of such physical education along with how this kind of PE builds good citizens too."


* Programs such as this to improve the fitness of American young people as a response to the investigations of the exercise guru Bonnie Pruden decades ago.

* During my grammar [primary] schools I did participate in tests that were used develop a baseline measuring the relative fitness of young Americans relative to their European counter-parts. Five events of which I remember only three: 1. Forty yard [meter] sprint. 2. Softball throw. 3. Standing long-jump.

* My initial reaction was that this program with the remarkable results as displayed were actually some sort of propaganda film, a Hollywood production of the type as you might have originated in the old Soviet Union or Communist China. Astounding levels of physical fitness way beyond norm and not replicated anywhere else to my knowledge.


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