Wednesday, March 22, 2023

PM M1910.

This is coolbert:

"More than a hundred and forty years later, Europeans are still using Maxim's machine gun to kill each other.  The weapon and its derivatives have probably slaughtered tens of millions by now.  That doesn't say much for humanity, does it?" - Peter Grant.

 From | March 22, 2023.

See the pertinent You Tube video:

Maxim gun water-cooled, 7.62 X 54 round. With advanced optics and suppressor [silencer]. Weapon normally crewed-served and tripod mounted. Long-range automatic fire I might think very lethal in the suppression role against enemy forces.

Four-barrel Soviet-era World War Two contraption Maxim gun used in the air defense mode. A variation of this weapon could be mounted on the back of a flat-bed truck and transported to the scene of the action. I can imagine such a weapon effective against low-flying strafing enemy warplanes. I can assume safely the Ukrainian version of this weapon relying on the original Soviet design? These units can be very useful in a defensive role against the low-flying and slow Shahed-136 kamikaze drone?

See my previous blog entry the Maxim gun the Ukraine Conflict:


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