Friday, March 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

Continued problems the American aircraft carrier USS Ford!

From the Internet web site "Strategy Page" as extracted and thanks to same. 

"Naval Air: CVN Ford Develops Another Problem"

Problem fixed as touted but not fixed as touted  

"March 20, 2023: At the end of 2022 the first of the new American Ford class CVN (nuclear-powered aircraft carrier) finally left for its long delayed operational stress test cruise. This means two months at sea, operating as a fully functional aircraft carrier. Unfortunately this cruise revealed more equipment flaws, the main ones being continued problems with EMALS (the catapults) and arrestor gear. That was not expected as the recent repairs to four JBD (Jet Blast Deflectors) mounted on the flight deck were monitored and found to have worked. The JDBs are relatively ancient tech, first introduced in the 1950s as more powerful jet aircraft became standard on aircraft carriers and deck crews needed protection from the dangerous blast of heat coming out of jet engines as the aircraft prepared to take off."

"In August 2022 the Ford JBDs were found to have defective components that corroded and caused JBDs to fail."

As is mentioned in the article the JBD is "relatively ancient tech" [variations of the system have been in service for a period of at least SIX decades] previous incarnations of JBD their performance not questioned [?] until now?

Strange! Very strange!


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