Tuesday, March 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

Senator Mark Kelly the astronaut speaks! And we should all listen.

 "Sen. Mark Kelly flew with Russian pilots in the Navy and with NASA, and he said the Russian fighter jet running into a US drone shows 'how incompetent they are'"

From www.businessinsider.com the article by Sarah Al-Arshani Mar 19, 2023/.

Regard the collision of the American Reaper drone with a Russian warplane over the Black Sea.

* "A US drone crashed after a Russian fighter jet clipped its propeller over the Black Sea last week."

* "A think tank suggested the move was 'aggressive messaging' by Russia."

* "Sen. Mark Kelly, a former Navy combat pilot, said it was an example of Russia's incompetence."

Russian COMBAT aviators incompetent and reckless?


* As I recall it was reported the Soviet-era defector the pilot Belenko flew live OPFOR missions and engaged in simulator dogfights with American combat pilots. His assessment was that the Russian and American combatants were about at par, more or less equal in ability.

* Why exactly the Russian interceptors at least TWICE jettisoned fuel on the American drone is a mystery to me. Flooding the Reaper Wankel rotary engine air intake with AVGAS might cause an engine failure, stall, and crash?


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