Tuesday, February 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

Russian tanks the Ukraine Conflict as stated in the previous blog entry being used in a direct-fire mode primarily [?] in support of ground forces. Excessive barrel wear as a consequence accuracy of rounds much less than desired.

Russian armor the Ukraine Conflict at some point too able to operate in the indirect-fire mode as artillery? Fire high-explosive [HE] rounds as did American tankers in Korea!

See the You Tube video:

M26 Pershing tanks indirect firing in Korea [AI, Sound, 60fps, Colorized]

Think also does 'modern American armor [M1 Abrams tank] possess a capacity allowing a ranking ground troop on the outside to communicate with the tank commander via field telephone on the inside? And the answer is yes!

Read here of the TUSK (Tank Urban Survivability Kit) system. There is merit to this. 

"The one tool I didn't expect to find on the back of the Marine Corps' main battle tank".. Here an American Marine uses the TUSK field telephone. Able to converse with the tank commander with ease!

I would like to believe also that TUSK field telephone can be connected to a company or battalion switchboard via WD-1 twisted pair of wire. M1 Abrams indirect fire support and coordination with accuracy quite feasible under such circumstances!!


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