Wednesday, February 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'We do need to point out, however, that the U.S.'s downing of the unmanned airship with advanced missiles is a trigger-happy overreaction, . . . Many in the U.S. have been asking what good can such costly action possibly bring to the U.S. and its taxpayers?’" -Wang, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The People's Republic of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs took jabs at the U.S. on Monday, calling the country 'trigger-happy' to shoot down aircraft."

Consider within historical context the Chinese accusation of American air defense being "trigger-happy".

"trigger-happy: adjective | 1. Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm before adequately identifying the target. 2. Inclined to react violently at the slightest provocation."

* Soviet air defense during the Cold War shot down forty of their OWN airplanes within Soviet internal airspace thinking they were hostile.

* Prior to the recent balloon shoot-downs NORAD had not shot down a single airplane or UFO. That within a period of over sixty years!

* After 9/11 on two occasions thought had been seriously given to shooting down two airplanes within American airspace but was not done, planes crashed first.

Read here of the incident involving the errant aircraft carrying among the passengers the famous golfer Payne Stewart. American and Canadian warplanes intercepting but not shooting down.

Read here also of a private plane the course deviation raising what I had thought would have been great alarm. A plane deviating from flight path in the vicinity of a U.S. military production and storage facility of nerve agent VX.

Both planes evidently a catastrophic failure of some sort incapacitating crew and resulting in a diversion from planned course that was seen as a potential danger.


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