Monday, February 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

A blog entry here based on articles courtesy |

Item # 1  # 3 authored by Atle Staalesen | item # 2 authored by Georgy Chentemirov.

1. "'None of our guys killed, none injured,' Komi Governor reports from Ukrainian front"

January 23, 2023.

"Hundreds of men are perishing every day, but leader of the north Russian Komi Republic assures that his mobilized countrymen are all fine."

“'Hello from one of the units of mobilized soldiers,' Vladimir Uiba says in the native Komi language in an address to his countrymen. He stands among armed warriors, reportedly somewhere in occupied Ukraine."

"He himself is carrying a uniform with a 'Z' on the shoulder."

“I have talked with the boys and their commanders, and there are no one killed or injured in the battle unit,” Uiba underlines in the video report posted on his Telegram channel."

See all previous blog entries Komi people as relevant to the Ukraine Conflict:

Read also from the wiki of the Komi people:

2. "Military commissar threatens local opposition lawmaker to “get things straight” about why her husband is not at the front"

January 26, 2023.

"Chief draft officer Andrei Artemiev does not like Olga Tuzhikova's human rights activities. Tuzhikova, a member of the Petrozavodsk City Council, is trying to help mobilized and volunteer soldiers to return home."

"The military commissar of Karelia, Andrei Artemiev, has threatened local politician Olga Tuzhikova to 'straighten things out' about why her husband has not been called up for the war in Ukraine. The legislator is a lawyer and well understood this to be a direct threat and revenge for her human rights activities. Tuzhikova helps mobilized and volunteer soldiers who want to return home."

3. "Ahead of deployment in Ukraine, Russian Arctic troops shoot missiles [rockets] near border to Norway and Finland"

January 30, 2023.

"The motorized rifle brigade in Pechenga is exercising with multiple-launch rocket system Grad and self-propelled guns Akatsia only few kilometers [about ten kilometers]  from the two Nordic countries."

"Live fire training this week takes place at the Shary shooting range near Pechenga, the main base of the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade. The exercise is lead by officers and instructors with experience from the war against Ukraine, the Northern Fleet informs."

"The shooting range is located only about ten kilometers [6 miles] from the border to Norway. Depending of the projectile, the Akatsia howitzer has a range of up to 24 km [14 miles], while the Grad can shoot rockets up to 30 km [18 miles]."

BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher somewhat dated by modern standards but still quite devastating if used properly. A battalion of such launchers [18 firing pieces] firing simultaneously on the same target can destroy an entire grid square of a thousand meters on a side in mere seconds.


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