Sunday, February 5, 2023

Foolish II.

This is coolbert:

The Danes do it. The English do it too.

HEAVY guns as meaning 155 mm self-propelled howitzer.

Consider within context that emphasis on WORKING!

"Artillery regiments run out of... artillery: British Army is 'stripped of heavy guns after defense chiefs pledged to give 30 working AS90s to Ukraine'"

From By BRITTANY CHAIN 1 February 2023 | 

* "The British Army reportedly has no heavy guns left after donation to Ukraine" * "There are concerns the decision could leave Britain in a vulnerable position" * "But the consensus is Ukraine needs the weapons more to stave off Russia"

"The British Army reportedly has no heavy guns left anywhere in the country after handing them all over to Ukraine to assist in the efforts against the Russian invasion."

"Defense chiefs have pledged all 30 working AS90s to Kyiv and are now urgently seeking K9 Thunders [South Korea] and Archer guns [Sweden] to replenish their stocks."

This is NOT to say the British now are sans artillery. They continue to have firing pieces of the 105 mm light gun type.

It can be suggested the AS90 was going to be replaced anyhow [the Danes said the same thing] but total conversion to artillery of the self-propelled heavy type was not to completed until 2029 at the earliest [or is it latest?].


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