Tuesday, February 28, 2023


This is coolbert:

"With 6,000 shells being fired by Ukraine each day, we in this country[Great Britain] are down to less than a week’s supply"

Seems other persons are thinking as I am!

"Farewell to arms: Britain’s depleted military"

From "THE SPECTATOR" the article by Andrew Roberts | 25 February 2023.

As extracted:

"In almost all conflicts since the Napoleonic Wars, it has been heavy artillery that caused around two-thirds of battlefield casualties. Even in the Great War, artillery killed more people than the machine gun, despite our cultural concentration on the murderous power of the latter. In the Russo-Ukrainian war today, artillery fire causes 80 per cent of military casualties on both sides. Heavy artillery is thus a prerequisite for a modern army to be taken seriously on the world stage."

"The British Army employed heavy artillery – by which is effectively meant 105mm and 155mm caliber guns – in Kosovo, both Iraq wars and Afghanistan. When Russia invaded Ukraine a year ago there were around 100 155mm guns here, enough for Britain to pack a serious punch. Yet with around 30 having been given to Ukraine, more than that entering obsolescence or unrepairable, and six in Estonia protecting our battalion there, the British Army is now down to too few operational heavy guns to conduct a foreign war."

"Moreover, with 6,000 shells being fired by each side in Ukraine per day, we in this country are down to less than a week’s supply of shells. When Lord Northcliffe raised the warning over the famous Shells Crisis of May 1915, Britain at least had several hundred thousand in reserve. Today’s number is a small fraction of that. Jens Stoltenberg, head of Nato, recently said that Ukraine is using shells at a far faster rate than our ability to replenish. As a result, he said, the waiting time for large-caliber ammunition has increased from 12 to 28 months, so orders placed today would only be delivered two-and-a-half years later’."

See previous blog entries as relevant:




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