Thursday, January 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

Contributions in the form of heavy weaponry the Canadian can make to aid the Ukrainian military very limited? See my previous blog entry as so relevant.

"Adam Zivo: How Canada sabotaged its own fleet of tanks"

"Maybe the reason we can't provide tanks to Ukraine is because a decade of neglect has rendered a significant portion of our tanks inoperable"

From the | Adam Zivo | Published Jan 25, 2023  • 

"When asked last week about whether Canada will send tanks to Ukraine, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, 'We’re not there yet.' As it turns out, maybe the reason we aren’t 'there' is because a decade of neglect has rendered a significant portion of our [Canadian] tanks inoperable."


"According to Maj. Johns, the CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] initially estimated that the Leopard 2’s maintenance requirements would be roughly the same as the Leopard 1’s. However, whereas Leopard 1C2 tanks require an average of 296 hours per year in maintenance, the Leopard 2 requires 1,795 hoursa six-fold increase. This 'significant underestimation' left the fleet in 'dire straits.'”

That total number of Leopard-2 tanks the Canadian military about eighty? A SINGLE battalion of Leopard-2 sent to the Ukraine would deplete the Canadian inventory by almost HALF.

And that assumes and time spent in bringing all those Leopard-2 to working combat standards is accomplished in a time frame allowing those Canadian tanks to arrive Ukraine and make a difference. The war might be over before they get there.


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