Saturday, January 28, 2023


This is coolbert:

For some time there has been a lot of speculation of the strange and often observed phenomenon, President Putin of Russia his meeting foreign leaders, diplomats and assorted potentates at a huge and oversized table with considerable distance between participants.

Herewith some possible explanations and answers?

1. "Putin's Long Tables Explained: Why He Puts Some Leaders, Including Germany’s Scholz, At An Extreme Distance"

2. "Vladimir Putin's Famous Long Meeting Table Has Drawn International Interest"

3. "Table Separating Macron And Putin Was So Long Due To Macron's Reported Fears Over Russian Spying Via PCR Test"

4. "Putin holds second meeting at bizarrely long table, sparking jokes about Russian paranoia amid Ukraine crisis"

It seems the "distancing" continues unabated! INTIMIDATION of "lesser beings" too might be a factor? In the ancient world it was customary for the leader to assume "godlike" proportions. Meeting a "god" always required necessary deference and obeisance enforced.

Only Vlad knows for sure!


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