Saturday, January 21, 2023

Swift USN.

This is coolbert:

American highly trained and possibly very experienced military man [U.S. Navy SEAL] killed the Ukraine Conflict.

A lot of questions need to be asked here and answers found?

"Exclusive: AWOL Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine"

From | W.J. Hennigan | original story Time January 20, 2023.

"A former American Navy SEAL was killed this week during Russia’s assault on eastern Ukraine while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, a Navy official tells TIME."

"Daniel W. Swift, a Navy Special Warfare Operator First Class who had gone AWOL, died Jan. 18 after suffering injuries with a unit under attack by Russia, the official said."


* This man more correctly categorized as a deserter and not AWOL. His desertion occurring over three years ago! Deserters defined as be absent for thirty days or more without the intention of returning.

* I would have thought there would have been an intensive manhunt to find the deserter! Swift as a career [?] SEAL would have knowledge of methods, tactics and techniques as used by American naval commando special operators.

* Swift during his duty with SEAL units would undoubtedly have had knowledge also of highly classified missions taking place all over the word even during peacetime!

* The intelligence agencies of a number of nations around the world hostile to United States would have obviously liked to have been in contact with the now late Swift, USN. Question him at length regarding U.S. Navy SEAL operations. I wonder of such a thing took place? I would hate to think so.

Debriefing now impossible!


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