Tuesday, January 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

"the first recolonization of a sovereign African state in more than a century" - Al J Venter.

Thanks to the Internet web site https://cliffcentral.com/ see this You Tube video and podcast.

"South African foreign correspondent Al J Venter returned from the Central African Republic six weeks ago, having had personal experience of a Russian mercenary force that has virtually taken over an African state. The international community is now familiar with the activities of the Moscow-run Wagner Group, an exploitative military force that is currently active in several African countries - among them the CAR, Mali, Burkina Faso, parts of Libya and before that, Mozambique. In the process, mines and raw resources are being taken over by force and any opposition summarily dealt with, no questions asked."

Think additionally the Ukraine Conflict the siege and battle at Bakhmut. Valuable salt and gypsum mines that target of Yevgeniyy? As in Africa so in Ukraine.


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