Monday, January 16, 2023

Mosi II.

This is coolbert:

BRICS in action. Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa.

Nothing to really see here folks move along.

We can reasonably infer that the recent visit of the Russian flag merchant vessel Lady R to the South Africa port of Simonstown is somehow related to forthcoming naval exercises as part of the BRICS alliance? Chinese, Russian, South African naval vessels a joint exercise.

"South Africa Set to Welcome Russian Warships Despite Criticism"

"Russian, Chinese navies to participate in February exercises"

"Opposition says decision to go ahead shows poor judgment"

From By Antony Sguazzin January 16, 2023. That tip from Abe.

"South Africa will next month go ahead with naval exercises off its eastern coast with Russian and Chinese warships in a decision that could further strain its relationship with some of its biggest trading partners."

"Operation Mosi, which means smoke, will take place from Feb. 17 to Feb. 26. South Africa’s reluctance to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its decision to allow sanctioned Russian vessels to dock at its ports have already ramped up tensions with the US, UK and European Union who are backing Ukraine in the conflict. The country’s biggest opposition party questioned the wisdom of going ahead with the exercises."

Mosi I the previous naval exercise Russia-China-South Africa as held previously in 2019.

See previous blog entries the topic of which was the visit of the Russian-flagged merchant vessel to South Africa:


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