Friday, January 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

Yes! You have here a $20,000 kamikaze drone that is being shut down with a missile one of which might cost $1 million USD.

Not a cost efficient way of doing warfare but in lieu of anything better what is an alternative you can reasonably ask.

"Ukraine Armed Forces [UAF] to keep shooting down Shahed drones with everything they have, even if it is expensive"

From "Ukrainian Truth" | Ukrainska Pravda | January 4, 2023. 

"The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine consider inappropriate accusations that Ukrainian defenders shoot down Iranian-made Russian drones with much more expensive missiles from Western air defense systems, because it is about saving people's lives and the preservation of vital infrastructure."

"Source: Yurii Ihnat, Spokesperson for Air Force of Ukraine, on air of the national joint 24/7 newscast"

"Quote: "'If there is a threat to life, you will probably spend everything to save your life. It is not correct to compare here. I have seen it in the Western press a time or two. It sometimes seems to me that some newspapers have a column for Russian propagandists to express their opinion there. Both in the US and in Europe, there are mass media that sometimes publish things that contain contradictions.'"


Anyone disagree with Yuri? I have said before in lieu of a better alternative rather than shooting the drones down with expensive missiles what else are Ukrainian expected to do? During wartime you go with what you got!


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